Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I don't have time!

In all the years that I’ve been training clients the most common excuse for not keeping up with a fitness regimen was, “I don’t have time”. I always tried to encourage them to make time for a healthier lifestyle that promoted eating right and exercising. How could they not have time for exercise? I did not understand my clients way of thinking, when they would say, “I don’t have time”. Now, I get it! Being extremely busy with life and all of its demands can lead you astray from your personal needs.
Women especially are prone to neglecting their personal needs because we are busy doing everything all the time. We manage our family, home and business first and we normally put ourselves on the back burner. I can see where my clients are coming from and it has allowed me to gain some insight on how this affects me physically and mentally. I’ve noticed that since my new baby has arrived, I’ve been skipping meals and feeling very sluggish. Each day I am busy rushing kids off to school, caring for the baby, cleaning and working before I realize that I am STARVING! I wake up at 6:30 a.m. and normally don’t eat until 12 p.m. By the afternoon my sugar levels are so low from starvation that I reach for chocolate chip cookies and milk. Eating cookies instead of something healthy was not entirely because I did not have time but it was also an emotional response. Most of the time I don’t mean to starve myself but I’ve become so involved with the task at hand that I completely lose my appetite.
I made a vow that I would change my lifestyle habits and practice what I preach. No more making the excuse that “I don’t have time”! I realize that if I keep reaching for chocolate chip cookies in the afternoon, skipping meals and not working out, soon I’ll be 50 lbs heavier wondering what happened. I’ve seen it too many times and know that it can easily happen if I don’t do something about it now.

I will report how I am doing everyday on this blog. Give me your feedback!

SGT. Slaughter


  1. Good stuff Cheryl. :0) Super Sgt. that is!

  2. It happens to the best of us. The good thing is that you caught it before it got out of control. It does not matter that you have fallen off the wagon but how quick you get back on.

  3. Thanks for saying that I'm super. Today I ate a little better a protein plate from starbucks at 10 a.m., turkey sausage and vegetables at 3:30, yogurts, peanuts and orage juice as snacks, and mac & cheese helper for diner. It's not the best but at least I made some time to eat.

  4. Hi Cheryl!

    It is crazy huh? But I'm sure you'll get back to your "normal" routine soon. All the hormones effect us at this time as well. You'll be fine. I really miss bootcamp but I still get the exercise in whenever I can. It always makes me feel better, stronger and saner! Talk to you soon.....

  5. I can't even begin to imagine how tough things must be for you right now. New baby and 3 boys, Wow! I see how important it is for me to make time for myself, if I don't things could get worse. I think, I'll start a mommy work out class with baby in the morning for free! New mom's really need the support with getting back inshape, venting and socializing with other moms.
