Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Childhood Obesity

          Childhood obesity is a growing issue in this nation. According to the CDC, approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese and that number has tripled since 1980. 

So, it’s safe to say that the epidemic is rapidly increasing. There has even been obesity reported in 6 month olds. Try wrapping your brain around that one!

 The problem arises from several things.

  •  The food that is the cheapest is not healthy. Healthy food tends to be expensive. Diet is the #1 factor.

  •       Low income! If a family’s income is low and other funds must go toward more important things like electricity and water, it is easier to buy less expensive food… but at what risk?

  •      Children are generally not physically active. They are certainly not as active as they were 20-30 years ago, nor are they really being encouraged to be active. Most adults are sedentary and are not setting a good example for children to follow.

  •       Healthcare access plays a huge part, not only in obesity, but also in the treatment of diseases due to/ exacerbated by obesity.

Some of these issues are hard to combat. That is not difficult to realize. So where can we start to make a difference?
  •         Become an active individual. Take your future into your hands and do something about it! Not happy with your weight? Work out! You don’t need an expensive gym membership to run around the block to do calisthenics in your living room. Do this and set an example for your children.
  •         Next, play with your children. Take them to the park. Go to the local pool. Jump rope with them. Anything! Encourage them to be active by being active with them. Make it an everyday routine.
  •           Avoid buying processed foods and especially sugary drinks like fruit juices and sodas. Drink water and milk and maybe an occasional fresh fruit juice. So many calories come from sweet drinks and it is an easy way to cut down on calories. Your body would much prefer taking in water and the vitamins in milk!
  •         Do not reward yourselves or your children with food, especially desserts!
     The fact of the matter is that we just need to really act on what we are not happy with or concerned about. We can't just sit there while the problem grows. Obesity in this country will only grow with our continued tendency to sit there and do nothing.

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