I always hear women complain about how large their butts are! What they don't realize is that they are sitting on a large gold mine. The Gluteus Maximus (butt) is the largest muscle in the human body. Knowing that muscle burns more calories, it is essential to incorporate butt building exercises into your work-out routine. This is because bigger and stronger muscles require more energy in the form of calories, ultimately building muscle helps to manage weight loss and helps the body to burn excess fat. So, the bigger the butt, the better! Many of my clients are sometimes concerned that if they were to start any type of strength training program or weight routines for women, that they would build too much muscle and they would look overly masculine. Women don't produce the amount of testosterone, like our male counterparts and therefore our muscles cannot bulk up like men.
During my periods of inactivity, I notice that my rear end began to "droop". No one wants a butt that flaps or jiggles too much! So, I encourage every woman I know to pump up their butt! Yes, it's true that some women could possibly gain a little weight on a women’s muscle building exercise plan, because muscle mass does weigh more than fat, but the chances of us actually losing weight are far higher. The more muscle we gain the more fat we lose.The body has the ability to lose weight and keep that weight off and that is controlled by our metabolic rate, or metabolism. More muscle also, means a higher metabolic rate (which is the little furnace inside our bodies that allows us to burn fat). Having a high metabolic rate allows us to burn more energy and consume more energy.
My Tips to Maximize your booty!
1. Eat small healthy meals every 2-3 hours
2. Drink Plenty of Water
3. Take Protein supplement after work out.
4. Exercises:*10 minute uphill climb on treadmill (highest incline) low to medium speed
*10 minute stair climber medium- heavy resistance
*10 minute bike with heavy resistance (intervals of 1 minute low resistance for
*3 sets of 12 squats (heavy weights) 1min 30sec rest between each set
*3 sets of 25 fire hydrants
*3 sets of 25 step ups
*3 sets of 15 dead lifts
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